Wednesday, February 13, 2008

It's all coming together.

OK, so I picked this place for us to meet for supper on Friday, March 21. I'm told it's a twenty minute walk from Daley Center, which is in the heart of downtown and the easiest place in Chicago to get off of a train. Daley Center is also where you can admire the bronze sculpture of a Buzzard that Pablo Picasso made as an old man I slid down as a child.

I'd like to make approximate reservations so if you know you'll be there, please let me know. Right now I have Terry and The Bear and Old Mule confirmed. Anyone else?


Anonymous said...

Sadly I'm bowing out. So have a drink for me!

tsduff said...

Aha! A great repaste awaits according to the menu, for all carnivores and grass eaters alike. Let the feasting begin!

tsduff said...

Some fun. When is the next one?

Doug The Una said...

Ha! Well done, Terry. As soon as someone with two x chromosomes organizes it.

The Old Mule said...

I concur with Doug. I win the award for the worst party planner of '08. But I sure am good with a lawnmower, or metaphysics.

tsduff said...

Okay, story over.

When is the next one?

Hobbes said...

So sorry I had to miss.

Anonymous said...

Hello! :)